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In The Red Gives You an Awesome Electronic Show

In The Red Gives You an Awesome Electronic Show

Dec 07, 2016 Dr. Kristina Nelson

What is an In The Red Performance Like?

Performance wise, In The Red, provides an amazing electronic show, complete with digital sound and covers of popular dance songs. But this is not all this band brings in the way of entertainment. Not only do they offer up to their listeners their digital sound system, but they also provide eye candy for onlookers with their stunning laser light show. Everything In The Red offers up to their shows on stage is carefully planned and selected, including their break music, to make sure the party keeps on rocking throughout the night.

History of In The Red

The band formed in 2003, and their following continues to grow, which means their presence at an event should inspire some interest from purchasers. The band is made up of Scott LaRoq on lead vocals, “Rocking Ric” on guitar and backup vocals, and Brian “B Dazzle” Slayton on bass and backup vocals.

In The Red’s Following

In The Red built a large following through their performances and word of mouth, as well as through their social media. Currently, In The Red possesses a large social media following, meaning that while you promote, they also promote their shows to over 2,000 of their Facebook fans to attract their fans to any venue at which they perform. Obviously, this capability makes their actions a bonus for any promoter.

In The Red aims to please any venue each time they perform, and they dedicate themselves to using their compilation of a digital sound system and lights to ensure an excellent show for ticket buyers.

For more information on bands like In The Red, stay with us here at Eventcombo. At Eventcombo, we provide you with updated information on the latest local bands, as well as offering you the ability to sell your tickets for your next event online through us and to our already large base of interested event goers.

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